Ilera Eko Eligibility Requirements: See Who Can Register in 2024

Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental right, yet many individuals and families in Lagos State struggle to afford the medical care they need.

To address this challenge, the Lagos State Government introduced Ilera Eko, a revolutionary health insurance program designed to provide affordable and comprehensive healthcare coverage to residents of the state.

how to register for ilera eko

As a crucial step towards ensuring that all Lagosians have access to quality healthcare, understanding the eligibility requirements for Ilera Eko is essential.

In this blog post, we will delve into the details of who can register for Ilera Eko, the necessary documentation, and the benefits of this innovative program, empowering you to take the first step towards securing your health and wellbeing.


Ilera Eko is designed to be inclusive, covering a wide range of individuals and families in Lagos State.

If you’re a resident of the state, you’re likely eligible to register.

Here’s a breakdown of the target population:

  • Residents of Lagos State: Whether you’re a born-and-bred Lagosian or a new resident, if you call Lagos State home, you’re eligible to register for Ilera Eko.
  • Age groups: Ilera Eko covers individuals of all ages, from children to seniors. There are no specific age restrictions, making it a comprehensive healthcare solution for families and individuals alike.
  • Employment status: Your employment status doesn’t affect your eligibility. Whether you’re employed in the public or private sector, self-employed, or currently unemployed, you can still register for Ilera Eko.
  • Specific professions or groups: Civil servants, market traders, artisans, and other professionals can also benefit from Ilera Eko’s comprehensive healthcare coverage.

Remember, the goal of Ilera Eko is to ensure that all Lagosians have access to quality healthcare, regardless of their background or circumstances.


While Ilera Eko aims to be inclusive, there are some additional factors to consider when determining your eligibility.

These requirements help ensure that the program is sustainable and accessible to those who need it most.

  • Residency Requirements: To be eligible, you must have been a resident of Lagos State for a minimum of six months prior to applying. This ensures that you have a established a connection to the state and are more likely to benefit from the program.
  • Address Verification: To prevent fraud and ensure that benefits are directed to the right individuals, Ilera Eko may require address verification. This involves providing documentation that confirms your Lagos State address, such as a utility bill or lease agreement.
  • Income Limitations: While there are no strict income limits, Ilera Eko is designed to support low- and middle-income individuals and families. If you earn above a certain threshold, you may not be eligible for the program.

However, this is assessed on a case-by-case basis, and other factors like family size and medical expenses are taken into account.

These requirements help ensure that Ilera Eko remains a sustainable and effective program for those who need it most.



The Lagos state government through Ilera Eko understands that healthcare is a family affair.

That’s why the program allows you to register your dependents, ensuring they receive the same comprehensive coverage as you.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Eligible Dependents: You can register your spouse and children (biological or adopted) under your Ilera Eko plan. This includes children up to the age of 18, or 23 if they’re in school.
  • Required Documents: To register your dependents, you’ll need to provide additional documentation, such as:
    birth certificates for children, marriage certificate for spouses and proof of school enrollment for dependent children over 18
  • Coverage for Dependents: Your dependents will enjoy the same benefits as you, including access to primary and secondary healthcare services, specialist care, and prescription medication.

By extending coverage to your dependents, Ilera Eko helps ensure that your entire family receives the quality healthcare they deserve. This means you can focus on what matters most – your loved ones’ health and wellbeing.


Now that you know the eligibility requirements and benefits of Ilera Eko, it’s time to take action.

Registering for the program is a simple and empowering step towards securing your health and wellbeing, and that of your loved ones.

Remember, quality healthcare is a fundamental right, and Ilera Eko health plans is here to make it accessible to all Lagos State residents.

Before you begin the registration process, take a moment to:

  • Visit the official Ilera Eko website or Lagos State Health Management Agency (LASHMA) website for the latest information and application forms.
  • Know what Ilera Eko health scheme covers.
  • Review the required documents and prepare your paperwork.
  • Reach out to Ilera Eko support staff with any questions or concerns.

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4 Responses

  1. Agbeyo Peter says:

    For ilera eko I want to join and register on the scheme

  2. Alphonso Plumptre says:

    Like to speak a representatives

    • Phone Numbers: Dial 0800-ILERA EKO (0800-45372356) toll-free or 0700-ILERA EKO (0700-45372356) for prompt assistance. You can also send text messages to 08026292253, +234 906 254 7015 and +234 816 405 1031.

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