How Long Does Car Insurance Policy Last in Nigeria

How long does Car Insurance Policy last in Nigeria? This is the question that most people and car owners ask while looking for an insurance plan for their car. We are here to help you with the legit information.

Moreover, the types of car insurance is an important aspect of owning and driving a vehicle in Nigeria. It provides financial protection against losses incurred from car accidents, theft, or damage to your vehicle.

Knowing the duration of car insurance policies is crucial to ensure you have continuous coverage and avoid penalties for lapses in insurance.


In this article, we will explore how long car insurance policies typically last in Nigeria and the factors that determine their duration.


In Nigeria, a standard car insurance policy is issued for a period of one year. This means the insurance company provides coverage for losses and damages incurred within a 12-month duration. After this period, the policy expires and has to be renewed for continued protection.

Some insurance companies may also offer short-term plans lasting 6 months. This provides temporary coverage for individuals who may not need insurance for a full year, such as temporary foreign workers or students. However, one year policies are the most common.

When you purchase car insurance in Nigeria, you will be issued a start date and an expiry date 12 months from the start date. This is the standard duration for policies barring any changes made during the coverage period.


While one year is the standard duration, there are some factors that can alter how long your car insurance coverage lasts:

  • Type of policy: Some specialty policies like classic car insurance may have different terms than regular car insurance. Make sure to check duration for specialty auto policies.
  • Early cancellation: You can choose to cancel your car insurance policy before the expiry date, which would cut the coverage period short. This should only be done when selling a car or no longer needing insurance.
  • Lapse in payment: Failing to pay your premiums on time can lead to your insurer cancelling your policy. This ends the coverage period earlier than the original expiry date.
  • Violations and claims: Making too many claims or committing infractions like traffic violations can prompt your insurer to terminate your policy before the end date. This curtails the duration of coverage.
  • Renewal: When renewing a car insurance policy, you start a new 12-month coverage period. Renewing a policy on time ensures you receive uninterrupted protection.


While typically one year, some insurers may offer shorter or longer base policy periods than others. For instance, an insurer may offer 6 month plans as their standard while another uses 1 year policies as their norm.

If the standard duration offered by an insurer does not match your needs, you can usually customize the length of time covered when purchasing a policy. The premiums are pro-rated based on the length of time covered.

By law in Nigeria, the maximum policy period offered is typically 1 year. But you can purchase add-on ‘extensions’ for longer coverage if required. This extends the expiration date beyond the base 1 year policy period.


Are you pondering on what’s the duration of car insurance in Nigeria? Here are some frequently asked questions on how long car insurance policies last in the country:

Q: What is the standard car insurance policy duration in Nigeria?

A: The standard car insurance policy duration in Nigeria is 12 months or 1 year. Most insurers offer plans that provide coverage for a year before requiring renewal.

Q: Can I get a car insurance policy for shorter than 1 year?

A: Yes, some insurers offer short-term plans that provide coverage for 6 months rather than the full year. This allows flexibility for those who only need temporary insurance.

Q: What happens when my policy reaches the expiration date?

A: When your car insurance policy expiration date is reached, the coverage will end. You need to renew your policy in order to continue having insurance protection for your vehicle after the expiry date.

Q: How can I renew my car insurance policy?

A: To renew your car insurance, contact your provider before the expiration date to discuss renewal. You will need to pay a new premium to continue coverage for another policy term. The renewal can often be completed quickly without need for paperwork.

Q: Can my insurer cancel my policy before the 1 year end date?

A: Yes, insurers can cancel your policy before the end date if you miss payments, make too many claims, or commit infractions. This would curtail the policy duration. Make sure to avoid any behavior that could risk early cancellation.

Q: If I sell my car, can I cancel my insurance early?

A: Yes, if you sell your insured car, you can contact the insurer to cancel the remaining policy period. Partial refunds may be provided if you cancel significantly before the end date.

Q: How long is the longest car insurance policy duration offered?

A: While 1 year is standard, insurers can offer extensions to provide coverage for longer through add-ons. This allows high risk drivers or those wanting maximum protection to extend car insurance beyond the typical 12 month policy period.


That’s where we will draw the conclusion of this article on ‘How Long Does Car Insurance Policy Last?’ Knowing this information is really important as it will guide you to know what to expect as you buy a new car.

In Nigeria, car insurance policies generally provide coverage for a period of 12 months before requiring renewal. This allows drivers to receive continuous financial protection for their vehicles.

While 1 year policies are standard, insurers may offer some flexibility to customize the policy duration through extensions or short-term plans.

Checking the offered policy length and ensuring prompt renewals will guarantee you receive uninterrupted coverage.

I believe this article was helpful.

Mfonobong Daniel

I am Daniel, a professional financial blogger, an insurance agent and financial adviser. Join me as I unravel and breakdown the mysteries behind insurance policies in Nigeria.

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