Understanding Business Insurance in Nigeria: A Beginner’s Guide

Still on our beginner’s guide series, we will look in this article the comprehensive beginner’s guide to understanding business insurance in Nigeria. Get ready and read this guide to the last punctuation mark and learn more about how to protect your business in the country.

insurance-in-nigeriaBusiness insurance is an important part of running any company in Nigeria. It helps protect your business against financial losses from unexpected events like property damage, employee injuries, lawsuits, or business interruptions. For small and medium enterprises (SMEs) just starting out, understanding what business insurance entails can be daunting.

This beginner’s guide will provide an overview of the major types of business insurance policies available, what they cover, and things to consider when getting coverage.


There are several common types of insurance policies that most Nigerian businesses should consider carrying. These include:

  • Property Insurance – This protects your business property—like your office, inventory, equipment—in case of damage from fire, lightning, explosion, storms, floods and other hazards depending on your policy. It covers repair or replacement costs to rebuild.
  • General Liability Insurance – This protects your business if you are liable for bodily injury, property damage or personal injury caused to a third-party. It covers legal costs and compensation payments.
  • Workers’ Compensation – This is mandatory insurance in Nigeria that provides coverage for medical care, rehabilitation costs and lost wages if an employee gets injured on the job. It provides protection for both employees and employers.
  • Professional Liability Insurance – Also called errors and omissions insurance, this protects service professionals like accountants, architects, consultants against negligence claims by clients for financial loss arising from their expert advice or services.
  • Product Liability Insurance – For businesses that manufacture or sell products, this insures against claims from consumers who are injured or suffer damage using the products sold.
  • Commercial Automobile Insurance – This is mandatory vehicle insurance for company cars, trucks or vans to protect against liability or physical vehicle damage.


When looking to purchase insurance for your company in Nigeria, some key things to note include:

  • Assess your risks – Each business has unique risks they are exposed to depending on size, number of employees, products/services, revenue, clientele among other factors. Evaluating these is key to knowing what coverage you need.
  • Insurance regulations – Certain policies like workers’ compensation and commercial automobile insurance are mandated by law in Nigeria. Know the statutory requirements for your business.
  • Adequate coverage – While you want to keep premiums affordable, ensure you get adequate coverage limits for possible worst-case losses according to realistic valuations.
  • Reputable insurer – There are many insurance companies to choose from but go with an established brand that is licensed and financially stable.
  • Costs – Insurance can range from a few thousand naira to over a million naira annually depending on your profession, number of employees, assets insured and extent of coverage.
  • Payments & renewals – You can choose to pay premiums monthly, quarterly or annually. Timely renewals are vital to avoid policy lapsing.


When planning to purchase business insurance, here are helpful steps to follow as a beginner:

  1. Seek advice from other entrepreneurs, insurance agents or brokers on what policies suit your needs.
  2. Take stock of all your company assets and potential risks accurate valuations.
  3. Research insurance companies and obtain multiple quotes for comparison.
  4. Look out for hidden costs, exemptions and waiting periods when reviewing policies.
  5. Choose a customized package offering optimal coverage at affordable premium suited for your enterprise.
  6. Go through policy documents carefully before signing contracts.
  7. Provide all required documentation for processing once you pick an insurer.
  8. Pay premiums fully and on time to prevent policy lapses after activation.
  9. Keep policy documents safe and create reminders for renewals as at when due.
  10. In case of any incident, know the proper claims procedures for your insurer.


Here are some commonly asked questions about business insurance in Nigeria:

  • What types of insurance do small businesses need in Nigeria?

Some important insurance policies for SMEs in Nigeria include general liability insurance, professional liability cover, property insurance, workers’ compensation, product liability insurance, commercial vehicle cover, and directors & officers liability insurance.

  • How much does business insurance cost for small companies in Nigeria?

Costs vary widely, but small business owners may expect to pay anywhere from ₦50,000 to ₦2 million annually depending on factors like company size, assets, selected coverage types and limits. Getting customized quotes is the best way to determine suitable costs.

  • Where can I buy affordable and reliable business insurance in Nigeria?

Well known insurance providers like Leadway, AXA Mansard, AIICO Insurance, Cornerstone and Old Mutual offer business insurance at competitive rates. Connect reputable brokers who can get you great deals.

  • Are pre-inspections required before getting insured in Nigeria?

Yes, most standard policies require insurance provider inspections of a business premise and assets before coverage activation for accurate valuations.

  • Can I pay insurance premiums in installments?

Many Nigerian insurers allow monthly, quarterly or biannual premium payments besides the annual lump sum payment options according to customized packages suitable for small business capacities.

  • How soon is a claim settlement paid out for business insurance policies?

Standard claims settlement durations range from 7 days up to a few months after submission of all required documents. The speed usually depends on claim complexity, loss type and chosen insurance company.


Getting suitable business insurance coverage is very important when starting and growing your company in a highly competitive Nigerian business landscape.

While the process can seem daunting as a beginner entrepreneur, taking the time to understand the basics goes a long way.

Assess your risks, know statutory requirements, obtain quotes for comparison, and work closely with your insurer or broker to customize policies that provide adequate protection for your enterprise’s needs while staying within your budget.

We wish you the best for your business!

Mfonobong Daniel

I am Daniel, a professional financial blogger, an insurance agent and financial adviser. Join me as I unravel and breakdown the mysteries behind insurance policies in Nigeria.

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