How to Find the Best Landlord Insurance For Multiple Rental Properties in Nigeria

It is a wise investment strategy to own multiple rental properties in Nigeria as a landlord.

But is also vital to protect these properties against unforeseen events like fire, tenant damage, or even natural disasters.

landlord insurance in Nigeria

Choosing the best insurance for your many rental units can be tricky with so many property insurance companies offering various options.

In this guide, we will look at how to find the top insurance options for landlords with multiple rental properties.

We’ll cover the benefits of this type of coverage and guide you through finding the best multi-property landlord insurance for your investment portfolio in Nigeria.


Its never easy to manage multiple rental properties in Nigeria, as it would require strategic approach from the landlord.

While the potential returns are attractive, the risks doing it can be significant.

Here’s why multi-property landlord insurance offers a powerful advantage:

  • Provides Streamlined Coverage: It might be difficult to juggle separate insurance policies for each property. If you have multi-property insurance, it combines all your rentals under one policy, simplifying administration and record-keeping.
  • Cost Savings: Many insurers in Nigeria offer discounts for insuring multiple properties under a single policy. This can translate to significant savings compared to purchasing individual coverage for each rental unit.
  • Simplified Claims Process: Imagine dealing with separate claims for multiple properties after a damaging event. Multi-property insurance allows you to file a single claim for all your insured properties, streamlining the process and reducing stress.
  • Broader Coverage Options: Standard landlord insurance covers essential aspects like property damage and liability. However, multi-property policies often offer additional coverages specifically tailored to the risks associated with owning multiple rentals in Nigeria. These may include: extended loss of rent, malicious damage and even legal expenses.


Finding the right multi-property landlord insurance can be tricky.

There are some key factors to consider beyond just getting a quote and signing on the dotted line.

Here are some crucial factors we suggest you consider before making your decision:

  • Type of Property: Be aware that not all insurance policies cover every type of property. Ensure the chosen policy covers all your rental properties, whether they are houses, apartments, or even commercial spaces.
  • Coverage Limits: The policy’s coverage limits dictate the maximum amount the insurer will pay for a covered loss. Analyze the value of your properties and potential risks to ensure the chosen limits are sufficient. For instance, if you own a high-value property in a flood-prone area, you’ll need higher coverage limits compared to a small apartment.
  • Excess (Deductible): The excess, also known as the deductible, is the amount you’ll pay out of your pocket before the insurance kicks in. While a higher excess translates to lower premiums, ensure it’s an amount you can comfortably afford in case of a claim.
  • Additional Coverages: As mentioned earlier, some multi-property policies offer a range of optional coverages. Carefully evaluate your needs and consider adding relevant options like loss of rent, legal expenses, or malicious damage for a more comprehensive safety net.
  • Claim Settlement Process: Research the insurer’s reputation for handling claims efficiently. Look for companies with a proven track record of settling claims promptly and fairly. You can know this by reading online reviews or speaking with other landlords.


Now that you understand the key considerations, let’s now delve into how to find the best multi-property landlord insurance for your Nigerian rental portfolio:

  • Research Reputable Insurance Companies: Start by identifying reputable insurance companies in Nigeria with a strong track record in landlord insurance, particularly multi-property coverage. Look for companies with experience in the Nigerian market and a solid understanding of the unique risks faced by landlords. Online resources, industry publications, and recommendations from fellow investors can be valuable starting points for your research.
  • Compare Quotes: Don’t settle for the first offer you receive. Obtain quotes from several insurance companies to compare coverage options, limits, and most importantly, the premium costs. This allows you to identify the policy that provides the most balanced combination of features and affordability for your specific needs.
  • Consult an Insurance Broker: Consider working with an insurance broker specializing in landlord insurance. A broker can act as your advocate, navigating the options from various insurers and recommending the policy that best fits your requirements. Brokers typically have access to a wider range of insurance companies compared to directly approaching individual providers.

Remember, to have the best multi-property landlord insurance isn’t cheap. Just try and strike the right balance between cost and the coverage itself.


Having the right insurance is just one piece of the puzzle when managing multiple rental properties in Nigeria. Here are some additional tips to help you minimize risk and ensure a smoother experience:

  • Maintain Good Property Records: Keep detailed records of your properties, including maintenance history, purchase documents, and appraisals. This documentation will be crucial when filing a claim or demonstrating the value of your property to the insurer.
  • Screen Tenants Carefully: A thorough tenant screening process can help reduce the risk of encountering issues like rent delinquency, property damage, or even legal disputes. Verify employment and income, check references, and conduct background checks to select responsible tenants.
  • Conduct Regular Property Inspections: Schedule regular inspections of your rental properties to identify potential problems early on. This could include checking for water leaks, electrical hazards, or signs of wear and tear. Addressing issues promptly can prevent them from escalating into bigger and more expensive problems down the road.
  • Review Your Insurance Policy Regularly: Your investment portfolio and needs may evolve over time. It’s essential to review your multi-property insurance policy regularly, adjusting coverage limits and considering additional coverages as your portfolio grows or circumstances change.

By implementing these strategies alongside securing the right multi-property landlord insurance, you can approach managing your Nigerian rental properties with greater confidence and peace of mind.


If you’re a landlord in Nigeria with lots of properties, this multi-property insurance should be the one for you.

By selecting top landlord insurance, you’ll get broad coverage and peace of mind against many risks and unexpected events for your properties.

With this kind of protection, you can concentrate on improving your rental business. It helps you manage risks and supports your investments’ growth and stability.

Mfonobong Daniel

I am Daniel, a professional financial blogger, an insurance agent and financial adviser. Join me as I unravel and breakdown the mysteries behind insurance policies in Nigeria.

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