How to Apply for Disability Insurance in Nigeria (2024)

If you are living with a disability, it can be challenging to really get things done. We understand your plight and how the financial burden can be overwhelming.

Having disability insurance is the vital safety net that provides financial support to individuals who are unable to work due to illness, accident or injury.

disability insurance in Nigeria

If you’ve never read about disability insurance before, you most likely don’t know how it works. Continue reading to learn more.

In Nigeria, disability insurance is readily available to eligible citizens, but the application process can be quite complex and confusing.

Why while a large number of disabilities are inherited, some are brought on by illnesses or accidents. The type of work that someone does also matters.

According to a recent study, the average male worker aged 25 has a 92% risk of experiencing an accident during his career, a 32% chance of developing a severe illness, and a 15% chance of developing a long-term impairment.

According to the study, “it is of paramount importance to protect this earning potential against life’s risks for early earners, whose future earning lies ahead of them.”

Even if you serve a living God, you need to get past the mentality that “it’s not my portion” and apply for disability insurance right now.

Taking precaution is preferable to regret.

If you or a loved one is living with a disability, it’s essential to understand how to apply for disability insurance so as to access the benefits that you deserve.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of applying for disability insurance in Nigeria.

We will cover the eligibility criteria, required documents, application process, and claims process, as well as provide valuable tips and reminders to help you navigate the system successfully.

Whether you’re just starting to explore your options or are already in the process of applying, this guide is designed to support and empower you every step of the way.


In Nigeria, the Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF) provides disability insurance benefits to eligible citizens.

If you’re living with a disability, it’s important to understand the eligibility criteria for disability insurance in Nigeria. To qualify, you must meet the following conditions:


To be eligible for disability insurance in Nigeria, you must be between the ages of 18 and 60. This means that individuals below 18 or above 60 are not eligible for disability benefits.


Only Nigerian citizens are eligible for disability insurance benefits. You must provide proof of citizenship, such as a national ID card or passport, to support your application.


To qualify for disability benefits, you must have made contributions to the NSITF for a minimum of 12 months. This means that individuals who have not contributed to the fund for at least 12 months are not eligible.


The NSITF defines disability as a permanent or temporary physical or mental impairment that prevents an individual from engaging in any gainful employment.

The types of disabilities covered include:

  • Permanent disabilities (e.g. spinal cord injuries, blindness)
  • Temporary disabilities (e.g. fractures, surgery recovery)
  • Partial disabilities (e.g. hearing loss, partial paralysis)


Applying for disability insurance in Nigeria isn’t easy, especially when it comes to gathering the necessary documents.

To ensure a smooth and successful application process, it’s crucial to understand the documents required and how to obtain them.

Below are the essential types of documents needed for a disability insurance application in Nigeria.


A medical report from a recognized medical practitioner is a critical document that confirms your disability and its impact on your ability to work.

The report should include:

  • Diagnosis and description of your condition
  • Date of onset and duration
  • Impact on your daily activities and work performance
  • Treatment and prognosis


You’ll need to provide proof of age to confirm you’re between 18 and 60 years old. Acceptable documents include:

  • Birth certificate
  • National ID card
  • Passport


As a Nigerian citizen, you’ll need to provide proof of citizenship. Acceptable documents include:

  • National ID card
  • Passport
  • Certificate of naturalization


You’ll need to provide proof of income to demonstrate your contributions to the Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF). Acceptable documents include:

  • Pay slips
  • Employment letter
  • Statement of account


To confirm your contributions to the NSITF, you’ll need to provide:

  • Statement of account
  • Contribution card
  • Receipts of payments


You’ll need to obtain and complete the disability insurance application form, which can be obtained from the NSITF office or downloaded from their website.

Make sure to get all the necessary documents ready before starting your application to avoid delays


Applying for disability insurance in Nigeria involves the following steps:

  • Obtain and complete the application form
  • Attach all required documents
  • Submit your application to the nearest NSITF office
  • Wait for your application to be processed (this may take several weeks)
  • Attend a medical assessment if requested
  • Receive a decision on your application (approved or rejected)


It will be difficult to give a fixed fee for disability insurance in Nigeria.

However, the exact cost depends on several factors.

Typically, younger, healthier individuals with lower-risk occupations and lower desired benefit amounts will pay less.

Conversely, older applicants with pre-existing conditions in high-risk professions seeking a larger portion of their income replaced will see higher premiums.

To get an accurate idea of disability insurance cost in Nigeria, it’s best to contact a local insurance company or broker.

They can assess your individual situation and provide personalized quotes. Some companies might also offer online quote comparison tools for estimates.

While a specific cost is difficult, a general rule of thumb suggests disability insurance might range between 1% to 3% of your annual salary.

Mfonobong Daniel

I am Daniel, a professional financial blogger, an insurance agent and financial adviser. Join me as I unravel and breakdown the mysteries behind insurance policies in Nigeria.

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