How Life Insurance Premiums are Calculated in Nigeria in 2024

The importance of life insurance in Nigeria, cannot be overstated. With a growing population and an increasing need to secure the financial future of loved ones, life insurance has become a vital tool for individuals and families alike.

However, many people are often deterred from purchasing life insurance due to a lack of understanding of how premiums are calculated.

life insurance in Nigeria

The complexity of the process can be overwhelming, leading to misconceptions and myths about the cost of life insurance.

But the truth is, life insurance premiums are not as mysterious as they seem.

In fact, they are calculated based on a combination of factors that are designed to assess the level of risk associated with each policyholder.

Its by understanding these factors and how they impact premium rates, that individuals can make informed decisions about their life insurance options and secure the financial protection they need.

In this post, we will delve into the world of life insurance premiums in Nigeria, exploring the factors that affect premium rates and how insurance companies calculate them.

By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of how life insurance premiums are calculated and be empowered to make informed decisions about your financial future.


When calculating life insurance premiums, insurance companies in Nigeria consider several factors that help determine the level of risk associated with each policyholder.

These factors include:


Age is one of the most significant factors that affect life insurance premiums.

The younger you are, the lower your premium rate will be.

This is because younger individuals are less likely to pass away, and therefore, pose a lower risk to the insurance company.

As you age, your premium rate will increase, and the cost of your policy will rise.


Gender also plays a role in determining life insurance premiums.

Statistically, women tend to live longer than men, and therefore, pay lower premium rates.

Men, on the other hand, are considered higher risk and pay higher premiums.


Your health status is another crucial factor that affects life insurance premiums.

If you have a pre-existing medical condition or a history of health issues, you will be considered high-risk, and your premium rate will be higher.

Insurance companies may also require a medical examination to determine your health status.


Your occupation can also impact your life insurance premiums.

Certain professions, such as pilots, soldiers, or construction workers, are considered high-risk and may attract higher premiums.


Your income level can also affect your life insurance premiums.

Insurance companies may use your income level to determine your ability to pay premiums and may offer lower premiums to those with higher incomes.


The amount of coverage you choose will also impact your premium rate.

The higher the coverage amount, the higher your premium will be.


The term of your policy is also a factor in determining premiums.

Policies with longer terms, such as whole life insurance, may attract higher premiums than shorter-term policies, such as term life insurance.


Insurance companies in Nigeria use a combination of actuarial tables, risk assessment, and underwriting processes to calculate life insurance premiums.


Actuarial tables are statistical tables that provide the likelihood of death based on age, gender, and other factors.

Insurance companies use these tables to determine the probability of death and calculate the premium accordingly.


Insurance companies assess the risk associated with each policyholder based on the factors mentioned earlier, such as health status, occupation, and income level.

The higher the risk, the higher the premium.


The underwriting process involves evaluating the risk associated with each policyholder and determining whether to accept or decline the application.

The underwriter may request additional information or medical examinations to determine the risk level.


Here are some examples of life insurance premiums in Nigeria:

  • Term Life Insurance: A 30-year-old male non-smoker can purchase a term life insurance policy with a coverage amount of N1 million for a premium of N15,000 per annum.
  • Whole Life Insurance: A 40-year-old female non-smoker can purchase a whole life insurance policy with a coverage amount of N2 million for a premium of N30,000 per annum.
  • Endowment Insurance: A 35-year-old male non-smoker can purchase an endowment insurance policy with a coverage amount of N1.5 million for a premium of N25,000 per annum.

Imagine someone named Aisha in Lagos, Nigeria is applying for a life insurance policy.

Aisha is 35 years old. This shows she is a young applicant and will pose a lower risk to the insurance company compared to older applicants.

This would likely translate to a lower base premium for Aisha.

Aisha wants a death benefit of ₦500,000 (Nigerian Naira) for her family.

Aisha is also generally healthy and doesn’t smoke.

This would be a positive factor influencing her premium amount compared to someone with pre-existing health conditions or unhealthy habits.

Here’s a VERY simplified calculation (not a real formula):

  • Base premium based on age (e.g., lower risk for younger applicants): ₦100 x Age (35 years old) = ₦3,500
    Adjusted premium based on coverage amount: ₦3,500 x ₦500,000 (coverage amount) / ₦100,000 (reference value) = ₦17,500
  • Health factor (considering Aisha’s good health): ₦17,500 x 1 (assuming no health adjustments) = ₦17,500 (premium amount without health adjustments)


Life insurance premiums in Nigeria are majorly calculated based on a combination of factors that assess the level of risk associated with each policyholder.

By understanding these factors and how they impact premium rates, individuals can make informed decisions about their life insurance options and secure the financial protection they need.

Remember, life insurance is an essential tool for securing your financial future, and with the right policy, you can rest assured that your loved ones will be protected even in your absence.

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