How To Find The Best Third-Party Car Insurance in Nigeria (2024)

In Nigeria, having car insurance isn’t optional, it’s a compulsory legal requirement.

Third-party car insurance is the most basic coverage option for all drivers, both experienced or learner drivers in Nigeria.


It protects you financially if you cause an accident and damage someone else’s car or property.

But with so many insurance companies offering third-party policies, how do you choose the “best” one?

This guide will explore what makes a third-party car insurance policy stand out in Nigeria, helping you find the right fit for your needs and budget.


Finding the “best” third-party car insurance in Nigeria is subjective and goes beyond just getting the cheapest quote.

While affordability is certainly important, especially for basic coverage like third-party, there are other crucial factors to consider:

  • Having a Competitive Price: This is a key factor, but remember, the cheapest option isn’t always the best. Look for a company that offers a fair price that aligns with the level of coverage provided.
  • Financial Strength of the Insurance Company: In the unfortunate event of an accident, you want to be sure the insurance company can fulfill its obligation and pay your claims efficiently. Research the company’s financial stability and track record. ALSO SEE: HOW TO CHOOSE A CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IN NIGERIA.
  • Customer Service Reputation: It is very important to have helpful and responsive customer service. Consider how easy it is to reach the company, the clarity of communication, and how they handle the claim settlement process.
  • Good Network of Approved Repair Centers (if applicable): Some third-party policies might offer a network of approved repair shops where you can get your car fixed after an accident you caused. A wider network provides more convenience and potentially ensures quality repairs. However, this factor might not be relevant for all third-party policies.


Now that you understand the key factors that contribute to a “best” third-party car insurance option in Nigeria, let’s now explore how to find the right fit for you:

  • Researching Different Insurance Companies: With the internet at your fingertips, researching different insurance companies is easier than ever. Use comparison websites, insurance company websites, and online reviews to gather information about their offerings, pricing, and customer service reputation.
  • Compare Quotes: Never accept the first offer you are presented with, instead contact several insurance companies and request quotes for third-party car insurance. Be sure to provide the same information about your car and driving profile when requesting quotes, allowing for a fair comparison. As you compare quotes, consider the factors mentioned in Section II (Competitive Price, Financial Strength, Customer Service) alongside the actual premium offered.
  • Read Reviews and Observe Ratings: Reading reviews and ratings from other customers can offer valuable insights into the real-life experiences with different insurance companies. Look for reviews that comment on aspects like ease of communication, claim settlement process, and overall customer satisfaction. This can help you gauge the company’s reputation and how they handle situations beyond just quoting a price.
  • Optional Add-on Coverage: Some insurance companies allow you to add optional coverages to your basic third-party policy for an additional premium. These add-ons can provide benefits like personal injury protection for yourself and passengers in case of an accident, or even cover for theft or fire damage to your own car. Consider your risk tolerance and budget when deciding if any add-on coverage might be valuable for your situation.
  • Beware of “Too-Good-To-True” Offers: When searching for affordable third-party insurance, be cautious of unbelievably low quotes. Focus on reputable companies with a proven track record of fair pricing and customer service. Don’t forget that the cheapest option might not always translate to the best overall value.


To find the “best” third-party car insurance in Nigeria is all about choosing an option that prioritizes your needs and budget.

Remember, “best” can be subjective.

While affordability is a key factor, don’t compromise on the financial strength of the company, their customer service reputation, or the level of service offered (like a network of repair shops, if applicable).

You’ll be prepared to make an informed choice if you do your homework on various insurance providers, evaluate prices, and take into account extras like optional coverages.

Use the internet tools and reviews at your disposal to find out more about the services offered by each provider, then pick the third-party auto insurance that will give you the security and comfort you need while driving in Nigeria.

Mfonobong Daniel

I am Daniel, a professional financial blogger, an insurance agent and financial adviser. Join me as I unravel and breakdown the mysteries behind insurance policies in Nigeria.

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